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Creating an OLAP Cube

  1. To create an OLAP Cube, from the menus choose:

    Analyze > Reports > OLAP Cubes...

    Figure 1. OLAP Cubes dialog box

    OLAP Cubes dialog box with summary variables and grouping variables defined

  2. Select Months with serviceAge in yearsHousehold income in thousands# of available services, and Average monthly expense as the summary variables.
  3. Select Churn within last month and Geographic indicator as the grouping variables.
  4. Click Statistics.
    Figure 2. OLAP Cubes Statistics dialog box

    Dialog box for specifying statistics to include in OLAP Cubes analysis

  5. Deselect Sum, Percent of Total Sum, and Percent of Total N from the Cell Statistics list.
  6. Select Median and add it to the Cell Statistics list.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Click Title in the OLAP Cubes dialog box.
    Figure 3. OLAP Cubes Title dialog box

    Dialog box for specifying a title and caption for OLAP Cubes analysis

  9. Type Descriptive Statistics as the title.
  10. Type By Customer Churn and Geographic Region as the caption.
  11. Click Continue, and then click OK in the OLAP Cubes dialog box.
Category: Հոդվածներ | Added by: Vahik (2017-08-02)
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